Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Pink - I Don't Know Review

So lately I've had the song "I Don't Know" by A Pink (a new girl group) stuck in my head. I only watched it once and it just popped up randomly. So I watched the video again a few more times. I break my reviews into first impressions, video, dance, concept, and overall.

First Impressions:
The first thing I thought of was that these girls were not that pretty. I don't mean that in a mean way, but I mean, they don't look like perfect little dolls which are common in the KPop scene. They look natural. However, I mean they could go astray like Dal Shabet from Supa Dupa Diva to Pink Rocket. However, even so. I still feel like they all look alike. And trust me I was trying to tell the difference. (I am Asian and I don't like it when people tell us we all look alike)

OMG! Kikwang was in the video! He's so cute

Then I was like. Wow, should the director have made the girls wear heels. He's shorter than all of them when they have heels one. Maybe that's why they had so many sitting scenes.

My next thought was, "Wow. They are all such creepers." I'm not bashing, but wouldn't you be freaked out a bit (even if it is a KPop idol) that a random stranger sneaked into your room and was watching you sleep? Also, how did he get there? Was it like T-Ara's Yayaya where he crashed a plane? And if he was stranded there, how did he get out in the end? Why did it also look like there was only one bedroom in the entire house?

The dance looked really cutesy. When I first saw it, I had the impression of a little girl skipping down a meadow. I really did like the clapping move though. I think I'm try that someday in the middle of school :)

I understand the concept is clean and cute. This is a debut MV for a girl group so it fits the cutesy parameters. However; the girls sometimes look like they are trying painfully hard to act cute. Some girls can act cute naturally, but never force it. You can act cute just don't over do it or you look like you are choking on a too sweet piece of candy.
No bashing on my part. I normally love the cute concept, but natural or even slightly feigned cuteness is better that "MUST ACT CUTE! GIGGLE GIGGLE GIGGLE!"

The music was good. I thought it was a sweet cute song. The video was a little over the top for me on the cuteness level, but it was clean and good. I am just having trouble imagining this group diverging from the cute concept.

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